Tax Manager Pro Help - Use the experts help
If you think you can follow simple Questions and Answer format and fill the tax returns yourself, but is not really confident about your tax details and need our professional guidance then this service is for you. Our experts will review all the information relating to your tax returns and make sure all the relevant corrections made if any before filing your tax returns.
Just follow the on screen instructions, let our expert review all relevant information relating to your tax returns and highlight the necessary and corrective measures to be taken before you are ready to upload your tax returns online and download or receive your ITR V or acknowledgement from the Income tax departments.

Why is this service for you:-
- If you are aware of your tax details
- Confident of about your tax knowledge
- Wants to have greater control over your financial data
- Wants to file your return from your desk yourself
How to file
- Create your tax return Id
- Update your personal profile
- Enter your income, deductions and other important tax details
- Review your details and finalize
- Make payment
- Generate your return
What is included:-
- Self preparation and efiling
- Phone and email based customer support
- Tracking of ITR V Status
- Deposite of signed ITR V with CPC
What is not included:-
- Automatic tracking of refund
- Payment of Self Assessment tax has to be borne by the customer himself.
- Automatic tracking of income tax assessment order
- Rectification filing of ITR in case of error in original return made by the user
- Paper Return Download for FY 2010 -11 onwards
- Rectification, Tax Notice Reply and Paper Download are chargeable service
Benefits to file with
- On screen step by step guidance
- 100% Accuracy guaranteed
- User friendly and easy navigation
- Tax Computation showing the correct tax details – refund or payable
- Data storage and data security guaranteed
- eMail and Call center support
- Download tax returns in paper or electronic version